TheKoguryo's 기술 블로그

 Version 2024.05.05

"oke" tag

2024-03-131.2.5 Node Pool oke nodepool
2024-03- Preemptible Capacity Node Pool 추가하기 oke preemptible nodepool
2024-03- Ampere (Arm) Node Pool 추가하기 oke arm ampere nodepool
2024-01-291.3.4 Cluster Autoscaler (Cluster Add-on) oke autoscaling cluster-autoscaler cluster-add-on
2024-01-281.3.3 Cluster Autoscaler oke autoscaling cluster-autoscaler
2024-01-261.3.2 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler oke autoscaling hpa
2024-01-251.3.1 Metrics Server 설치 oke metrics-server
2024-01-111.8 Service Mesh oke service-mesh
2024-01-111.6 Security oke security
2024-01-111.5 Observability oke observability
2024-01- Open Source기반 Observability 툴 사용하기 oke Observability
2024-01-111.3 Autoscaling oke autoscaling
2024-01-111.5.2 Application Logs & Monitoring oke log application
2024-01-111.5.1 Control Plane Logs oke log control-plane
2024-01-101.2.3 Storage oke storage
2022-02- File Storage 사용하기 oke
2024-01- File Storage Service 사용하기 oke storage
2024-01- Block Volume 사용하기 oke block-volume
2021-11-071.7 CI/CD(Continuous Integration & Delivery) oke
2024-01-075. 추가적인 쿠버네티스 도구들 oke
2021-11-071.4 Container Registry oke
2024-01-074. Database 서비스 / Database on Kubernetes oke
2024-01-071.2.4 Management oke
2024-01-073. OKE Self-Managed Nodes 사용하기 oke
2021-11-071.1.2 OKE 클러스터 만들기 - Quick Create 모드 oke
2024-01-072. OKE Virtual Nodes 사용하기 oke
2024-01- OSS NGINX Ingress Controller oke
2024-01-071.2.2 Ingress oke
2024-01- OCI Network Load Balancer 상세 설정하기 oke
2024-01- OCI Load Balancer 상세 설정하기 oke
2021-11-071.2 OKE Managed Nodes 기본 사용법 oke
2021-11- 로컬 환경에서 클러스터 연결하기 oke
2021-11- Cloud Shell로 클러스터 연결하기 oke
2021-11-071.1 OKE Managed Nodes 생성 및 연결 oke
2021-11-071. OKE Managed Nodes 사용하기 oke
2021-11- OCI Load Balancer로 서비스하기 oke
2024-01- OCI Native Ingress Controller oke
2024-01-071.2.1 Load Balancer oke
2023-10-304.2 Oracle Database oke opensource database
2023-10- Kubernetes Volume Clone 사용하기 oke volume clone
2023-10- Kubernetes Volume Snapshot 만들기 oke volume snapshot
2023-10-04Support for Kubernetes volume clones oke volume clone
2023-02- Logging Analytics로 모니터링 하기 oke oci logging analytics logging
2023-08-011.10.4 Custom Scheduler 사용하기 oke scheduler
2023-07-311.10.3 Worker Node 생성시 Custom Image 사용하기 oke custom node image
2023-07-181.10.2 cloud-init으로 kubelet 옵션 변경하기 oke cloud-init kubelet
2023-07-171.10 커스터마이징 oke
2023-07-171.10.1 Worker Node 디스크 사이즈 늘리기 oke
2023-07-054.3 OKE에서 OCI 자원관리를 위한 Service Operator oke opensource osok
2023-06-20Support for Kubernetes volume snapshots oke volume snapshot
2023-05-222.3 Virtual Nodes 앱 배포 및 비용 예시 oke enhanced cluster virtual nodes
2023-05-223.2 OKE 클러스터 만들기 - Self-Managed Nodes oke enhanced cluster self-managed nodes
2023-05-222.2 OKE 클러스터 만들기 - Virtual Nodes oke enhanced cluster virtual nodes
2023-05-223.1 OKE Self-Managed Nodes 소개 oke enhanced cluster self-managed nodes
2023-05-222.1 OKE Virtual Nodes 소개 oke enhanced cluster virtual nodes
2023-05-191.9.3 Node Cycling로 Worker Nodes 업데이트 하기 oke enhanced cluster node cycling
2023-05-191.9.2 Workload Identity 사용하기 oke enhanced cluster workload identity
2023-05-181.9 OKE Enhanced Cluster oke enhanced cluster
2023-05-181.9.1 OKE Enhanced Cluster 만들기 oke enhanced cluster
2023-05-031.6.1 Secret Store로 OCI Vault 사용하기 oke secret store vault
2023-04-26Support for service mesh and performance improvements when using the VCN-Native CNI plugin oke VCN-Native Pod Networking CNI
2023-04- OpenSearch 사용 환경 구성하기 oke oci opensearch opensearch
2023-02- Management Agent를 사용한 모니터링 oke oci logging analytics management agent
2023-02-209. 문제해결 oke
2023-02-20Load Balancer 문제해결 oke load balancer
2023-02- File Storage 사용하기 - Dynamic Provisioning oke
2022-10- FluentBit로 OKE 로그 전송하기 oke oci opensearch opensearch
2022-07-12Support for VCN-native pod networking oke vcn-native pod
2022-06-28Support for worker node deletion, along with new cordon and drain options oke worker node deletion
2022-06-01Support for OKE images as worker node base images oke oke image
2022-06-01Support for fault domains in node pool placement configuration oke node pool fault domain
2022-05-315.2.2 OpenSearch 기반 OCI Search 서비스를 사용한 로그 모니터링 - Self-Signed oke oci opensearch opensearch
2022-05-18Support for Kubernetes version 1.23.4 Container Engine for Kubernetes oke
2022-04-11Support for PVC block volume performance levels oke pvc vpu
2022-03-21Support for Kubernetes version 1.22.5 oke
2022-03-15Support for OCI Network Load Balancers oke
2022-02-28Support for PVC block volume expansion oke pvc
2022-01-211.1.1 OKE, OKE Managed Nodes 소개 oke
2021-11- Kubernetes 버전 업그레이드 oke
2021-11- OCI Logging을 사용한 애플리케이션 로그 모니터링 oke oci logging logging
2021-11- OCI Logging을 사용한 Control Plane 로그 모니터링 oke oci logging logging control-plane
2021-11-101.6.2 File Storage 사용하기(Flex Volume Driver) oke
2021-11- OCIR 이미지 사용하기 oke
2021-11-071.1.3 OKE 클러스터 연결하기 oke
0001-01- FluentD로 OKE 로그 전송하기 oke oci opensearch opensearch

이 글은 개인으로서, 개인의 시간을 할애하여 작성된 글입니다. 글의 내용에 오류가 있을 수 있으며, 글 속의 의견은 개인적인 의견입니다.

Last updated on 13 Mar 2024