TheKoguryo's Tech Blog

 Version 2023.11.20


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1.6.1 Using Block Volumes

The container’s internal storage is basically destroyed when the container is deleted or terminated. A separate Persistent Volume is used to protect data from disappearing and to store data that needs to be preserved.

Check the StorageClass for the default installed Persistent Volume

OKE provides Persistent Volume to use OCI Block Volume service as a service provided based on OCI IaaS. As of the current version, we are using two types: the FlexVolume volume plugin and the Container Storage Interface (CSI) volume plugin.

  • Check the default StorageClass

    • oci: Use FlexVolume plugin for OCI Block Volume service
    • oci-bv: Use CSI plugin for OCI Block Volume service
    oke_admin@cloudshell:~ (ap-seoul-1)$ kubectl get storageclass
    oci (default)                    Delete          Immediate              false                  2d
    oci-bv   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   false                  2d
  • CSI Volume Plugin

Create and use Persistent Volume using CSI Plugin for OCI Block Volume

Persistent Volume Test

  1. Make a request using PV request yaml as below.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name: csi-bvs-pvc
      storageClassName: "oci-bv"
        - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 50Gi
  2. Deploy the test app

    • A test app that mounts the requested Persistent Volume on the container
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
        app: nginx-bvs-pvc
      name: nginx-bvs-pvc
      replicas: 1
          app: nginx-bvs-pvc
            app: nginx-bvs-pvc
          - name: nginx
            image: nginx:latest
            - name: data
              mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
          - name: data
              claimName: csi-bvs-pvc
  3. Generate result

    • As shown below, you can see that the PV is normally created according to the PV request and operated as a test app.
    oke_admin@cloudshell:persistent-volume (ap-seoul-1)$ kubectl apply -f csi-bvs-pvc.yaml 
    persistentvolumeclaim/csi-bvs-pvc created
    oke_admin@cloudshell:persistent-volume (ap-seoul-1)$ kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment-bvs-pvc.yaml 
    deployment.apps/nginx-bvs-pvc created
    oke_admin@cloudshell:persistent-volume (ap-seoul-1)$ kubectl get pv
    NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                 STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
    csi-14f32977-eaf6-4eaa-87bd-7c736ec43a52   50Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    default/csi-bvs-pvc   oci-bv                  101s
    oke_admin@cloudshell:persistent-volume (ap-seoul-1)$ kubectl get pod
    NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    nginx-bvs-pvc-7b574c9c5c-vdp7c   1/1     Running   0          118s
    • Block Volume If you look at the Storage > Block Volumes screen in the OCI service console, you can see that a Block Volume for PV has been created and attached to a specific Worker Node as shown below.


  4. Test

    • Write to Persistent Volume

      Go inside the container and write a file in the mounted PV as shown below.

      oke_admin@cloudshell:persistent-volume (ap-seoul-1)$ kubectl exec -it nginx-bvs-pvc-7b574c9c5c-vdp7c -- bash
      root@nginx-bvs-pvc-7b574c9c5c-vdp7c:/# echo "Hello PV" >> /usr/share/nginx/html/hello_world.txt
      root@nginx-bvs-pvc-7b574c9c5c-vdp7c:/# cat /usr/share/nginx/html/hello_world.txt
      Hello PV
    • Rebuild after deletion of POD

      To ensure that the Persistent Volume is preserved, delete the existing POD and allow it to be recreated. At this time, in RWO mode, if a POD is created in another node, a multi-attach error occurs temporarily. It will take some time to realize that the old POD has been deleted, and after a while the POD will be recreated.

      oke_admin@cloudshell:persistent-volume (ap-seoul-1)$ kubectl get pod
      NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      nginx-bvs-pvc-7b574c9c5c-vdp7c   1/1     Running   0          6m53s
      oke_admin@cloudshell:persistent-volume (ap-seoul-1)$ kubectl delete pod nginx-bvs-pvc-7b574c9c5c-vdp7c
      pod "nginx-bvs-pvc-7b574c9c5c-vdp7c" deleted
      oke_admin@cloudshell:persistent-volume (ap-seoul-1)$ kubectl get pod
      NAME                             READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
      nginx-bvs-pvc-7b574c9c5c-vrptl   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          17s
      oke_admin@cloudshell:persistent-volume (ap-seoul-1)$ kubectl get pod
      NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      nginx-bvs-pvc-7b574c9c5c-vrptl   1/1     Running   0          75s
    • Check Persistent Volume in new POD

      If you check the previously changed file in the new POD again, you can see that the existing contents remain.

      oke_admin@cloudshell:persistent-volume (ap-seoul-1)$ kubectl exec -it nginx-bvs-pvc-7b574c9c5c-vrptl -- cat /usr/share/nginx/html/hello_world.txt
      Hello PV
  5. Notes

    • As in the previous test, in ReadWriteOnce access mode, only PODs in a single Kubernetes Node can be attached and used. If you try to use the same PV in a POD in another node, a Multi-Attach error occurs when starting the container, and the container does not start.
    • Also, when restarting the POD with Self-Healing, a Multi-Attach error occurs because the existing POD thinks that the volume is being used, and it takes some time to recognize that there is no POD in use.

ReadWriteMany support

Based on the current version, the CSI Driver for OCI Block Volume Service only supports ReadWriteOnce. So, only multiple Pods are supported on a single Kuberenetes Node. Also, if you change the accessMode above to ReadWriteMany and do the same, the pod will not be created and an error will appear as shown below.

oke_admin@cloudshell:~ (ap-seoul-1)$ kubectl get events
LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON                   OBJECT                               MESSAGE
80s         Warning   ProvisioningFailed       persistentvolumeclaim/mynginxclaim   failed to provision volume with StorageClass "oci-bv": rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = invalid volume capabilities requested. Only SINGLE_NODE_WRITER is supported ('accessModes.ReadWriteOnce' on Kubernetes)

As an individual, this article was written with my personal time. There may be errors in the content of the article, and the opinions in the article are personal opinions.

Last updated on 13 Nov 2021