TheKoguryo's Tech Blog

 Version 2023.11.20


This content has been generated by machine translation. The translations are automated and have not undergone human review or validation. Send OKE logs by FluentD

Use OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboard instead of ElasticSearch and Kibana in your EFK configuration.

Fluentd configuration

  1. Create a Service Account for Fluentd installation and define the relevant permissions.

  2. configmap to define additional settings

    • Fluentd-related settings are all defined in a .conf file under /fluentd/etc/ in the container. You can override these files.
    • OCI OpenSearch clusters now use Self Signed certificates by default. Leave only the basics that are absolutely necessary for the connection. If you leave the commented out part and don’t set a value, you will get an error at run time.
  3. Define a fluentd damonset

    • Some changes have been made to the YAML in the Fluentd documentation to use the configured configmap.
    • We are changing to use fluent.conf overridden by configmap.
    • You are setting up the Self Signed CA used by the OpenSearch Dashboard.

Install FluentD

  1. In fluentd-daemonset-opensearch.yaml, change FLUENT_OPENSEARCH_HOST to the target OpenSearch host.

              - name:  FLUENT_OPENSEARCH_HOST
                value: ""
              - name:  FLUENT_OPENSEARCH_PORT
                value: "9200"
  2. Install FluentD

    kubectl apply -f fluentd-rbac.yaml
    kubectl apply -f fluentd-configmap-opensearch.yaml
    kubectl apply -f fluentd-daemonset-opensearch.yaml
  3. Add a security rule to send logs from OKE cluster Worker Node to OpenSearch.

    • Worker Node security rules

      • Target: ex) oke-nodeseclist-quick-oke-cluster-1-04cdcc334

      • Egress Rules:

        The example below is when the OpenSearch location is subnet

        StatelessDestinationIP ProtocolSource Port RangeDestination Port RangeDescription
        No10.0.20.0/24TCPAll9200OpenSearch API
    • Security rules of OpenSearch

      • Target: ex) oke-svclbseclist-quick-oke-cluster-1-04cdcc334

      • Ingress Rules:

        In the example below, if the Worker Node is in the subnet,

      StatelessSourceIP ProtocolSource Port RangeDestination Port RangeDescription
      No10.0.10.0/24TCPAll9200OpenSearch API
  4. Check the log

    When the fluentd Pod starts up, check the logs to see if it operates normally without any connection errors with OpenSearch.

    $ kubectl get pod -n kube-system
    NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
    fluentd-7hbht                          1/1     Running   0             99s
    fluentd-qwrg4                          1/1     Running   0             99s
    fluentd-zfgfz                          1/1     Running   0             99s
    $ kubectl logs -f fluentd-7hbht -n kube-system -f
    2022-10-13 15:31:30 +0000 [info]: parsing config file is succeeded path="/fluentd/etc/fluent.conf"
    2022-10-13 15:31:32 +0000 [info]: adding match pattern="**" type="opensearch"
    2022-10-13 15:31:32 +0000 [info]: #0 starting fluentd worker pid=14 ppid=6 worker=0
    2022-10-13 15:31:32 +0000 [info]: #0 [in_tail_container_logs] following tail of /var/log/containers/proxymux-client-s75ds_kube-system_proxymux-client-eca8e5e37a2dbf317be4f25cddcce1f4659c5bf9adecccdf522f1f2317b17dc3.log
    2022-10-13 15:31:32 +0000 [info]: #0 [in_tail_container_logs] following tail of /var/log/containers/csi-oci-node-vlgnm_kube-system_csi-node-driver-d566fd830f5a575b4d3724946f4a09a23bdf7615527b511a42cbae57c27bab0d.log

OpenSearch Dashboard Settings

  1. If you have not connected to the jumpbox VM through SSH tunneling, reconnect.

  2. Since SSH tunneling is done, check the connection to the OpenSearch Dashboard with a browser locally.

    • Access address: https://localhost:5601
  3. In the upper left navigation menu, click OpenSearch Dashboards > Discover.


  4. Click Create index pattern.

  5. Create an index pattern.

    Among the three sources shown below, we use the fluentd source.

    • Index pattern name: fluentd
    • Time field: time



  6. You can see the result of adding the index pattern.


  7. Click OpenSearch Dashboards > Discover in the upper left navigation menu.

  8. You can check the collected logs through the created index pattern.

    • To check the log of the test app, click Add filter to specify namespace_name=default .


  9. Access the test app.

  10. Check the log

    You can check the log of the test app in the OpenSearch Dashboard as shown below.


As an individual, this article was written with my personal time. There may be errors in the content of the article, and the opinions in the article are personal opinions.

Last updated on 14 Oct 2022