TheKoguryo's Tech Blog

 Version 2023.11.20


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3.1 Automating deployment of Spring Boot app to OKE via DevOps service

Set up IAM policy to use DevOps service

To use DevOps services, you need to set permissions on DevOps resources. Refer to the official documentation to set the policy for Dynamic Group and Group for permission setting.

The Dynamic Group and Policy below are based on the examples in the above document and may be subject to some changes depending on requirements.

Create Dynamic Group

First create a Dynamic Group for the Compartment so that DevOps services can be used within the given Compartment.

  1. Log in to the OCI console.

  2. Go to Identity & Security > Identity > Compartments from the top left hamburger menu.

  3. Go to the Compartment you want to use DevOps for and make a copy of the OCID.

  4. Go to Identity > Dynamic Groups.

  5. Click Create Dynamic Group.

  6. Create the required Dynamic Group using the copied Compartment OCID.

    • CoderepoDynamicGroup

      ALL {resource.type = 'devopsrepository', = '<YourCompartmentOCID>'}
    • ConnectionDynamicGroup

      ALL {resource.type = 'devopsconnection', = '<YourCompartmentOCID>'}
    • BuildDynamicGroup

      ALL {resource.type = 'devopsbuildpipeline', = '<YourCompartmentOCID>'}
    • DeployDynamicGroup

      All {resource.type = 'devopsdeploypipeline', = '<YourCompartmentOCID>'}

Setting Policy for DevOps Service

  1. Go to Identity > Policies.

  2. Click Create Policy to create a new Policy.

  3. Create the following Policy with Compartment level.

    • Name: Ex) DevOps-compartment-policy
    Allow dynamic-group CoderepoDynamicGroup to manage devops-family in compartment <YourCompartmentName>
    Allow dynamic-group BuildDynamicGroup to manage repos in compartment <YourCompartmentName>
    Allow dynamic-group BuildDynamicGroup to read secret-family in compartment <YourCompartmentName>
    Allow dynamic-group BuildDynamicGroup to manage devops-family in compartment <YourCompartmentName>
    Allow dynamic-group BuildDynamicGroup to manage generic-artifacts in compartment <YourCompartmentName>
    Allow dynamic-group BuildDynamicGroup to use ons-topics in compartment <YourCompartmentName>
    Allow dynamic-group CoderepoDynamicGroup to read secret-family in compartment <YourCompartmentName>
    Allow dynamic-group DeployDynamicGroup to manage all-resources in compartment <YourCompartmentName>
    Allow dynamic-group ConnectionDynamicGroup to read secret-family in compartment <YourCompartmentName>
  4. Create the following Policy with the Root Compartment level.

    • Name: Ex) DevOps-root-policy

    If you do not create the repository before pushing the repository to OCIR, the image is pushed to the root compartment by default. At this time, an error occurs with permission, and if you want to allow it in the Root Compartment, add the following.

    Allow dynamic-group BuildDynamicGroup to manage repos in tenancy

Automating CI/CD deployment through DevOps service

Create a DevOps project

Create Notification Topic

A Notification Topic setting is required to notify you of key events that occur when your DevOps pipeline runs. It is a required requirement when creating a DevOps project, so make it in advance

  1. Log in to the OCI console.

  2. From the top left hamburger menu, go to Developer Services > Application Integration > Notifications.

  3. Click Create Topic to create a Topic.

    • Name: Ex) oke-labs-devops-topic


  4. Skip the Subscript to take the Topic event created for Notification. You can configure it if necessary.

Create a DevOps Project

  1. Log in to the OCI console.

  2. From the top left hamburger menu, go to Developer Services > DevOps.

  3. To create a project, go to Projects and click on Create DevOps project.

  4. Enter the creation information to create the project.

    • Project name: Ex) my-devops-project
    • Notification Topic: Select the topic you created earlier


  5. Complete project creation


Enable Logging

You can see the Enable Logging related information immediately after project creation. As seen in the description, if logging is not enabled, the execution log shown on the right in the pipeline execution screen is not visible. So Enable Logging is essential.


  1. In the Project Overview, click Enable Log or click Logs in the left menu.


  2. Toggle the Enable Log button.


  3. If the target compartment already has a Log Group, you can choose from the ones listed. If there is no pre-created Log Group, a new Log Group and Log will be created when you click the Enable Log button based on the automatically entered information as shown below. Modify the settings if necessary, otherwise click the Enable Log button.


Automating application deployment

Use Code Repository to Manage Application Code

As a sample, we will create and test a Spring Boot Helloworld app.

  1. Click Code Repositories in the left menu to create a code repository.

  2. Click Create repository to create the repository.

    • Repository name: Ex) spring-boot-hello-repo


  3. This is the generated code repository. This is a generic Git Repository.


  4. The actual development work can be done on the development PC through the git command. If you click the Clone button above the repository details, the Clone command will appear as shown below. We will use Clone with HTTPS here.


  5. Using the copied address on the development PC, clone it through the git clone command.

    git clone <YourClonewithHTTPS URL>
  6. User authentication is required at this time. For HTTPS-based user authentication, the following user name format and AuthToken are used.

    • Authentication user name

      • User on Oracle Identity Cloud Service: <tenancy-name>/oracleidentitycloudservice/<username>
      • OCI Local user: <tenancy-name>/<username>
      • Unlike previous guides, note that this is a tenacy-name, not a tenancy-namespace.
    • AuthToken: For information on creation, refer to previous guides.

    • Documents related to HTTPS authentication in Code Repository

    • example

    $ git clone
    Cloning into 'spring-boot-hello-repo'...
    Username for '': thekoguryo/oke-developer
    Password for 'https://oreozz/':
    remote: Counting objects: 2, done
    remote: Finding sources: 100% (2/2)
    remote: Getting sizes: 100% (1/1)
    Unpacking objects: 100% (2/2), done.
    remote: Total 2 (delta 0), reused 2 (delta 0)
  7. Currently the cloned repository is empty. Follow the guide below to write the spring-boot-hello sample code.

  8. Save the written code in the Code Repository through the git command.

    • example

      git add .
      git commit -m "init"
      git push
  9. Completion of code writing and reflection


Create a Build Pipeline

It is possible to configure the part corresponding to the CI process that builds code during CI/CD to create deployment artifacts through Build Pipeline.

  1. Go to the my-devops-project project page and go to Build Pipelines in the left menu.

  2. Click Create build pipeline to create the pipeline.

    • Name: Ex) spring-boot-hello-build-pipeline


  3. Click the created pipeline.

  4. You can configure the pipeline flow by adding Stages as shown. Click Add Stage.


  5. Provision Stage

    • Managed Build: Executes the build process according to the contents defined in the build specification.
    • Delivery Artifacts: Save build artifacts (eg container images) to the Artifact Repository.
    • Trigger Deployment: Calls the Deployment Pipeline at the end of the build.
    • Wait: Waits for a certain amount of time.


Create a Build Stage
  1. First add Managed Build Stage for build.

  2. Managed Build Stage Setup

    • Stage name: Ex) build-stage
    • Build Spec File Path: Specifies the build script path. By default, it uses the build_spec.yaml file in the source root.
    • Primary Code Repository: Specifies the code repository with the main source to build.


    • Primary Code Repository setting screen

      • Specifies the repository where the target source code is located.


  3. Click Add to add the set Stage.

  4. build-stage has been added as shown below. Click Start Manual Run to test it.


  5. The definition of Build Spec in the source code is required like a test.


  6. Build Spec refers to the following documents:


    • Example based on Example 2 in the documentation

      • steps: This is the part that defines the script to be executed. In this example, two steps, Build Source and Dockerizer, are defined, and each defines a script to be executed in the command. They are executed in the defined order.
      • env.exportedVariables: Globally declared environment variable. If the value is changed in the previous step, it is applied to the next step. It is also dispatched when calling the Deployment Pipeline.
      • outputArtifacts: This is the part that defines the build artifact, and can be specified through the name defined here when saving to Artifact Storage through the Delivery Artifact Stage.
      version: 0.1
      component: build
      timeoutInSeconds: 6000
      shell: bash
          - BuildServiceDemoVersion
        - type: Command
          name: "Build Source"
          timeoutInSeconds: 4000
          command: |
            echo $PATH
            mvn clean install      
        - type: Command
          timeoutInSeconds: 400
          name: "Dockerizer"
          command: |
            BuildServiceDemoVersion=`echo ${OCI_BUILD_RUN_ID} | rev | cut -c 1-7`
            echo $BuildServiceDemoVersion
            docker build -t build-service-demo .      
        - name: build-service-demo
          type: DOCKER_IMAGE
          location: build-service-demo
        - name: build-service-demo-kube-manifest
          type: BINARY
          location: deployment/app.yml
  7. Build Spec Definition

    • Define build_spec.yaml in the root path of the developed spring-boot-hello source code as follows and save it in the code repository.

    • build_spec.yaml

      version: 0.1
      component: build
      timeoutInSeconds: 6000
      shell: bash
          appName: "spring-boot-hello"
          - APP_NAME
          - OCIR_PATH
          - TAG
        - type: Command
          name: "Init exportedVariables"
          timeoutInSeconds: 4000
          command: |
            echo $APP_NAME      
        - type: Command
          name: "Build Source"
          timeoutInSeconds: 4000
          command: |
            echo "build"
            mvn clean install      
        - type: Command
          timeoutInSeconds: 400
          name: "Build Source - Post"
          command: |
            echo "add dependency"
            mkdir -p target/dependency && (cd target/dependency; jar -xf ../*.jar)      
        - type: Command
          name: "Define Image Tag - Commit ID"
          timeoutInSeconds: 30
          command: |
            COMMIT_ID=`echo ${OCI_TRIGGER_COMMIT_HASH} | cut -c 1-7`
            BUILDRUN_HASH=`echo ${OCI_BUILD_RUN_ID} | rev | cut -c 1-7`
            [ -z "$COMMIT_ID" ] && TAG=$BUILDRUN_HASH || TAG=$COMMIT_ID      
        - type: Command
          name: "Define OCIR Path"
          timeoutInSeconds: 30
          command: |
            TENANCY_NAMESPACE=`oci os ns get --query data --raw-output`
        - type: Command
          timeoutInSeconds: 400
          name: "Containerize"
          command: |
            docker build -t new-generated-image .
            docker images      
        - type: Command
          name: "Check exportedVariables"
          timeoutInSeconds: 30
          command: |  
            [ -z "$APP_NAME" ] && APP_NAME=unknown          
            [ -z "$OCIR_PATH" ] && OCIR_PATH=unknown    
            [ -z "$TAG" ] && TAG=unknown
            echo "APP_NAME: " $APP_NAME      
            echo "OCIR_PATH: " $OCIR_PATH
            echo "TAG: " $TAG
        - name: output-image
          type: DOCKER_IMAGE
          location: new-generated-image      
  8. If you run it again through Start Manual Run, you can see the script being executed as shown below.


  9. Check ExportVariables

    If you click the three dots in the upper right corner on the execution result screen to move to the detail screen, you can see the variable value as the execution result in Build Output. These variables are then passed on to the Stage or connected and called Deployment Pipeline for use.


Create the container image OCIR registration stage
  1. Go to the Build Pipeline tab.

  2. Click the plus button to add a stage after build-stage.


  3. Select Delivery Artifact Stage.

  4. Enter a stage name and choose Create Artifact.


  5. Add Artifact as Container image type.

    • Image path: Image path used when attaching docker tag. You can enter it directly, but here it is entered as ${OCIR_PATH}:${TAG} using exportedVariable passed from build-stage.


  6. Add one more in the same way.

    • Name: generated_image_with_latest
    • Image Path: ${OCIR_PATH}:latest
  7. Artifact Mapping

    • Associate Artifact maps the actual container image files to the 2 Artifacts you just added. Enter the name of the outputArtifacts defined in build_spec.yaml earlier in build-stage.

        - name: output-image
          type: DOCKER_IMAGE
          location: new-generated-image


  8. Now we have added the delivery stage.

  9. Try running the pipeline again. Container images built with actual source code are automatically registered with OCIR.

    If the OCIR repository (eg, spring-boot-hello) does not exist in advance, it is created in a private form in the Root Compartment. To import from OKE, create an imagepullsecret in advance, or create a repository as Public in advance.


Create a Deploy Pipeline

It is possible to configure the part corresponding to the CD process of distributing the products built during CI/CD to the actual server through the Deployment Pipeline.

  1. Go to the my-devops-project project page and go to Deployment Pipelines in the left menu.

  2. Click Create pipeline to create the pipeline.

    • Name: Ex) spring-boot-hello-deployment-pipeline


  3. Click the created pipeline.

  4. Click Add Stage to add a Stage.

  5. Provision Stage

    • Deploy: Provides deployment capabilities to OKE, Compute instance deployment, and Oracle Function.

    • Control: support acknowledgment waiting, traffic change, waiting, etc.

    • Integration: Supports Oracle Function execution for custom logic execution.


Prepare the manifest file for deployment to Kubernetes

To use the stage type to deploy to Kubernetes, you need to prepare a manifest yaml file for deployment in advance.

  1. Go to the my-devops-project project page and go to Artifacts in the left menu.

  2. You can see that there are two registered when creating the build pipeline with Artifacts earlier. Artifacts registered here can be reused.


  3. Click Add artifact to register the manifest file.

  4. We offer 4 types of registration. Among them, select Kubernetes manifest.


  5. For Kubernetes manifest types, we provide 2 types as Artifact Source.

    • Artifact Registry Repository: Just as OCIR is provided as a container registry, Artifact Registry is provided as a service. Select to refer to the resource there.
    • Inline: Inline refers to input directly into Artifact here in the current DevOps project.
  6. Register as Inline type as Artifact Source as follows.

    • Name: Ex) k8s_spring_boot_deploy_template


    • Value

      As before, you can use variable values ​​exported from build-stage.

      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
          app: ${APP_NAME}
        name: ${APP_NAME}
        replicas: 1
            app: ${APP_NAME}
              app: ${APP_NAME}
            - name: ${APP_NAME}
              image: ${OCIR_PATH}:${TAG}
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
        name: ${APP_NAME}-service
        type: LoadBalancer
          - port: 80
            protocol: TCP
            targetPort: 8080
          app: ${APP_NAME}
Registering the Kubernetes Environment
  1. Go to the my-devops-project project page and go to Environments in the left menu to register the OKE environment to deploy.

  2. Select the OKE type.


  3. Select the cluster to deploy.


Create a Kubernetes manifest deployment stage
  1. Go to the registered Deployment Pipeline (spring-boot-hello-deployment-pipeline) setting page.

  2. Click Add Stage to add the Apply manifest to your Kubernetes cluster Stage.

  3. Select the environment and manifest file to deploy


  4. Pipeline completion


Calling Deployment Pipeline from Build Pipeline

After registering in OCIR from the Build Pipeline created earlier to the container image, the Deployment Pipeline to be deployed to OKE must be started to complete the entire build and deployment. Now that we have registered the Deployment Pipeline, we can call it from the Build Pipeline.

  1. Go to the Build Pipelines you created earlier (spring-boot-hello-build-pipeline).

  2. Add a Stage to the end of the pipeline.

  3. Select the Trigger Deployment type.

  4. Specify the Deployment Pipeline you have set up.


  5. The whole flow is complete.


Setting Trigger

So far, to test it, I started it through the Start Manual Run in the Build Pipeline. In reality, the build and deployment pipelines need to operate automatically when the developer applies the code to the code repository. Triggers are responsible for starting the build pipeline through events that occur in the code repository.

  1. Go to the my-devops-project project page and go to Trigger in the left menu.

  2. Click Create trigger.

  3. Set the trigger.

    • Name: Ex) spring-boot-hello-trigger
    • Source Code Repository: Supports OCI Code Repository, GitHub, and GitLab integration. In the example, select spring-boot-hello-repo on the OCI Code Repository created earlier.
    • Actions: Select spring-boot-hello-build-pipeline, which is a build pipeline created with actions that are called when triggered.


  4. Setup is complete.


  1. Random changes are made to the spring-boot-hello source code specified in Trigger and reflected in the Code Repository.

  2. I changed the response message in to “Hello OCI DevOps” and reflected it.

  3. If you look at the build execution history, the Commit ID is shown together with the trigger as shown in the figure, and it is linked to the Code Repository.


    • If you click Commit ID, you can check the number of code changes in the Code Repository.


  4. The build pipeline ran normally, from code build to container image creation to deployment pipeline invocation.


  5. The deployment pipeline also ran normally.


  6. If you look up the OKE cluster, it was deployed normally.

    oke_admin@cloudshell:~ (ap-seoul-1)$ kubectl get all
    NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/spring-boot-hello-54848fcfd5-5jpxh   1/1     Running   0          5m39s
    NAME                                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)        AGE
    service/kubernetes                  ClusterIP       <none>           443/TCP        16h
    service/spring-boot-hello-service   LoadBalancer   80:32224/TCP   41m
    NAME                                READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/spring-boot-hello   1/1     1            1           15h
    NAME                                           DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/spring-boot-hello-54557d9c47   0         0         0       41m
    replicaset.apps/spring-boot-hello-54848fcfd5   1         1         1       5m39s
  7. You can check the normal operation when connecting to the service address.


As an individual, this article was written with my personal time. There may be errors in the content of the article, and the opinions in the article are personal opinions.

Last updated on 25 Nov 2021